Introduction: For this blog, I have to explain
one of the content theories on motivation, which I feel is particularly
relevant to me, then I have to go onto explaining my motivation for starting my
degree course, why I am here, what motivated me to get here and what will
motivate me for the next 2-3 years, then I will go onto explaining a time when I
was de-motivated, why did I feel like this, what got me more motivated and what
would I do differently and lastly I will finish the blog with a brief conclusion
evaluating my findings of this topic.
Herzberg's content theory:
Herzberg’s two factor motivational theory is the most
relevant one to me, as Herzberg looks at and identifies factors that motivate
people in the workplace. Hygiene factors
such as the working conditions, company benefits, job status and the theory also
looks at motivational factors that would motivate me such as receiving recognition,
having the responsibly and growth within the company. I feel having a good
salary is important to me as it motivates me to work harder and achieve my full
potential at work. Below is a template of Herzberg’s two factor theory.
Working conditions
Job security
Job status
Job role
Company policy and benefits
Motivation for degree:
My motivation for my degree, was that I had a keen interest
in business right from the start, and undertaking a BTEC National Diploma in Business,
I knew I wanted to go onto higher education and do a degree in a course that really
interested me, and was keen to learn all the different aspects and knowing that
in three year time, I will be a graduate and have a BA Hons Degree in Business Management,
and get a job that I enjoy doing and open up my own business one day. Also my
family motivated me to go onto higher education and get a degree so from the
support and encouragement I received from them and knowing that they were there
to help me out motivated me even more. Also having taken out a gap year, made
me realise that I would like to work in management, being my own boss rather
than working for someone. Knowing that more potential employers would like to
recruit graduates to work for their company rather than individuals without a degree
and seeing companies that I would like to work for having graduate scheme
motivated me to work hard and achieve the best possible grade out of my course.
The main reason I am doing a degree is because I know in three years I will get
the reward, such as achieving my degree, being a graduate and getting my ideal
job, so by learning and going to all my lectures and taking notes and also
studying in my spare time so that I have a better understanding of the modules and
do research and revise for exams well in advance. The rewards and sense of achieve motivates me
the most.
Therefore I consider that Herzberg’s theory motives me the
most, as I like taking the responsibility for my work and knowing that at university
I will achieve the best grade if I am dedicated and work hard and overcome all
the challenges faced. Through increasing
my self-esteem and having the sense of achievement I will reach my potential goal.
The desire to succeed and the feeling of satisfaction knowing that I have
achieved all the steps and by having intrinsic
needs, knowing that I would know the outcome by me studying, and having an
interest in the modules and the degree itself I am more likely to succeed and do well in my
course. Knowing that my hard work will pay off, and having the feeling that I
have completed the tasks to the best of my ability, and be motivated by my achievements.
Also I think that I have a bit of extrinsic needs as I am studying for three
years and know that when I have graduate the rewards will be better, for example I will have a excellent salary.
Time I felt de-motivated:
A time where I felt de-motivated was at work, this was mainly because I felt as if I have a
negative attitude to work, and did not really want to go in I felt as if I worked
too hard and got no rest, managers do not seem to listen, also the pay de-motivates
me as it feels like I get up first thing in the morning get ready and go to
work and then I work there for 9 hours and come home and go sleep, feels repetitive
and there is no time out and my weekends have never being the same since. Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs would link to one of the time’s where I felt de-motivated
where I had a negative attitude to work I would see myself at the bottom at the
psychological stage knowing that the only thing that kept me in the job was the
basic pay as I could live off and it could pay for all my expenses. Alderfers
ERG theory looks at three categories existence needs which looks at the
physical and safety needs, relatedness needs looks at social and external
esteem and human needs and lastly growth needs and this looks at internal
esteem and self accusation, this could also be referred to a time where I felt
de-motivated when my manager did not identify my needs at work, so by
management recognising my needs as an employee I would be more satisfied and
motivated in the workplace. McClelland’s
achievement motivational theory looks at the needs and there are three stages
the need for achievement, the need for authority and power, and the need for
affiliation. This theory would relate to me when I felt de-motivated at work when
my managers do not give me any responsibility in the workplace, so by receiving
feedback from managers it would enable me to measure my success, so by my
manager setting me goals that are achievable
it would motivate me.
To get me more motivated I looked at ways how I could
progress in my job through having my AORs with my supervisor every month we
discussed what was expected of me and how I could get onto the next level and
if I progressed my pay would also increase and by having appraisals with my
manager, discussing my performance and other issues relating to my work life
that motive me as it felt like I got the recognition from my managers and also I
got more responsibility as I had to train new employees. The theory of
motivation that I would use to motivate me in the workplace would be McClelland’s because he believed
that “achievement –motivated people are generally the ones who make
things happen and get results, and that this extends to getting results through
the organisation of other people and resources”, being motivated to do the job in
addition to receiving satisfaction through achieving the tasks set. So by having time to discuss my performance
and issues in the workplace with my manager, I will feel more motivated and valued.
Conclusion: overall my findings on this particular topic on motivation was that
there are many different theories and not all of them apply to you. Motivation differs for each individual what
motivate one could de-motivate another for example, salary to motivate one and
another would disagree and state that the job role itself motivates them and
there are many different motivation theory I would say that Herzberg’s two
factor theory relate to me as I am motivated by the hygiene factors including the
salary, having job security and motivational factors such as having the responsibility
in the workplace along with receiving recognition from managers. Also this
topic looks at intrinsic and extrinsic needs, intrinsic need is where one could
be motivated by self respect and feeling of achievement whereas extrinsic needs
looks at fringe benefits the company has to offer and the working conditions. I
would say that at university I see myself mostly motivated through the intrinsic
needs through the sense of achievements and at work I would be motivated by
extrinsic needs such as the company’s benefit and pay.
[1] Mcclelland Motivational Needs
[Online] Available From:
[Accessed 15th October 2012]
[2] Maslow’s Motivation Theory [Online]
Available From:
[Accessed 15th October 2011]
[3] Mullins, L. (2007) Management & Organisational Behaviour: 8th edition. Harlow: Prentice
[4] Simpson, M (2012) PowerPoint.
Well done for posting the first blog.
ReplyDeleteYou have explained the theory well, although I think you could push yourself to be more analytical in your explanations.
Your examples are good with links back to the theory.
I am concerned that you have written a lot! I don't want you to feel that this assignment is going to take hours! For example, in addition to explaining Herzberg you also included references to McLelland and Maslow. Whilst I am pleased you are adding extra information, I genuinely don't want you to take 3 hours each week writing the blog!
Referencing needs to be reviewed in the blog, and please develop your reference sources so youo don't rely on businessballs and tutor2u which are not academic reference sources.
Well done - keep going!